Video Interview with Jason Pemberton

Jason Pemberton was a co-founder of the Student Volunteer Army which mobilised over 11,000 volunteers in response to the devastating Canterbury Earthquakes in 2010-11. Jason led the national and international operations until early 2014. He is based in Christchurch, New Zealand.

We interviewed Jason in Vancouver in April 2016.

To learn more about what motivates people to ‘make a difference’ listen to this episode from Christchurch City Libraries. Guests Billy O’Steen (University of Canterbury), Sarah Campagnolo (Volunteering Canterbury and Gap Filler), Teoti Jardine (Volunteering Canterbury and Avon-Otakaro Network) and Jason Pemberton (Student Volunteer Army and Social Enterprise World Forum) debate this fascinating question, drawing on their huge expertise in the volunteering sector.

  • Part I: Defining ‘making a difference’ – Is it the same as volunteering? Activism? etc.
  • Part II: How can we measure ‘making a difference’? What are the shortfalls of relying on statistics? Ethnicity and volunteering
  • Part III: Demographics and volunteering; guests’ key learnings; encouragement for people to being ‘making a difference’

Podcast – Making a difference


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