Lessons Learned

Urban resilience: Ten lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

By Ayyoob Sharifi and Amir Reza Khavarian-Garmsir Enhancing resilience capacities is of critical significance in a world of increasing uncertainties and instabilities. This is particularly essential in urban areas where most of the world population cur …

The Road to Shared Situational Awareness During Disasters

By Ernie MacGillivray and Doug Allport This is a short story about innovation, and the collaboration that enabled it. Two-years ago, a colleague suggested that Doug Allport had discovered the “secret sauce” to shared situational awareness during disast …

Lake Manitoba power outage reflections: Off-grid lessons revived

Good Day All, I hope everyone is having a good day. This power outage in Lake Manitoba First Nation, aka Animozeebeeng, Dog Creek Reserve has surely been intense at times. We’ve been so busy maintaining everything with the upkeep: keeping us warm and w …

Wireless alerts one year later, are Canadians safer?

By Jacob Westfall Summary: In the past year since wireless alerting was introduced, there have been challenges and improvements made, but has it made Canadians safer? At the time of writing this article, wireless public alerting has been with us for on …

The Jorvik Viking Centre: Rising above the flood

Interview by Lilia Yumagulova; Story by Jonathon Reynolds Summary: A cultural centre takes a devastating blow, but bounces back better, under effective leadership and innovative thinking. Read on to learn how the Jorvik Viking Centre not only reopened …