Welcome to the 2017 Fall issue of HazNet, CRHNet’s signature publication that facilitates the sharing and dissemination of disaster risk reduction and emergency management research, experiences, best practices and observations. This issue is another outstanding effort by the HazNet team. Thank you to Lily Yumagulova and her editorial team.
The past few months have been busy for CRHNet’s Board of Directors and the members of our Standing Committees who have been working on the completion of several initiatives and the commencement of new projects. The ongoing commitment by our Board members and our membership is both heartening and inspiring, and the old saying “We couldn’t do it without you” is sure true for all our CRHNet work. Foremost these past several months, and involving a Steering and a Program Committee in collaboration with the Board, has been the work to plan and organize the 2017 Annual CRHNet Symposium. With just days to go until the Symposium opens on October 25th at historic Pier 21 during the 100th Anniversary of the Halifax Explosion, the Program agenda is informational, exciting and inspiring as a showcase of work by our members and colleagues in resilience building and reducing disaster risk here in Canada and around the globe. CRHNet creates an environment for Early Career Professionals, Researchers, Educators and Practitioners to share innovative approaches and for building best practices to reduce disaster vulnerability in Canada.
I am stepping down as the CRHNet Executive Director shortly after this year’s Symposium. I have been involved with CRHNet and its development since 2005, and it has been an honour and a privilege to have served CRHNet and supported a very dedicated and active Board and Standing Committees. I have always strongly believed that there is a time to open up opportunities for fresh ideas and practices, and this year end seems about right. CRHNet has certainly ‘grown’ over the years and today fills a critical role in dissemination of knowledge and information sharing around risk reduction. I look forward to staying in touch with the CRHNet membership and will likely find myself involved in some projects in the future.
Enjoy this issue of HazNet, look for information and best practices that will assist you in your work and studies and please say “hello” if you are attending the 2017 Symposium!
Best wishes,