By Elaina Keppler and Charlotte Lin Pedersen Summary How could a hybrid design framework that...
Category - Research
Understanding trade-offs in post-disaster reconstruction
By Heidi Tuhkanen Development and disaster risk reduction policies and actions are essential for...
Tracing and unsettling path dependency: Creating space for...
By Meg Parsons, Johanna Nalau, Roa Petra Crease, Karen Fisher, and Cilla Brown Summary Tracing and...
A long-term outlook on flood losses
By Dominik Paprotny Summary: Growth in flood losses in Europe can be explained by growing exposure...
Diversification of flood risk management modes: Lessons from...
By Dries Hegger Summary: Resilient flood governance: link water managers, planners, contingency...
Creating a method to identify lessons learned from flood events...
By Isabelle Thomas and Catherine P. Perras Summary: This article presents a research project in...
Engaging Canadians in Flood Risk Management
By Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlethwaite Summary Canada needs a strategy to increase public...
Inter-Community Service Collaboration: Innovation for a Changing...
By Bryce Gunson and Brenda Murphy Rural communities are able to draw on strong social networks...
Research making a difference in Australia
By Nathan Maddock, Communications Manager, Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Five years into its...
Canada’s burning question
In this in-depth feature we brought together some of the leading experts from the insurance...